MACRAO Board of Directors Responsibilities

Responsibilities – All BOD Members 

1)     Serves on the MACRAO Board of Directors and regularly attend BOD meetings.

All Year

2)     Maintains information on position held and provide training to successor.

All Year

3)     Brings forward any suggestions, information, issues, or questions about the organization to the BOD and share in the discussion on all items pertaining to the organization.

All Year

4)     Represents the Board of Directors at MACRAO events and conduct “welcome” as assigned.

All Year

5)     Votes on the following (voting members)

  • The monthly Treasurer’s Report
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Nominees presented to hold position on the BOD
  • Any recommendations coming before the BOD

All Year


Responsibilities - President (Voting Member) - 1 Term

General Description:

The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall have the authority over affairs of the Association with the right to delegate any specific power to another officer within the Association. The president shall have power to appoint or discharge employees, agents or independent contractors, to determine their duties, and to fix their compensation. The president shall be the sole signatory on all corporate documents and agreements on behalf of the Association, unless permission is given in writing by the president or the full board of directors for some other officer, agent, or employee. The president shall see that all actions taken by the board are executed and shall perform all other duties related to the office. This is subject, however, to the president’s right and the right of the board to delegate any specific power to any other officer of the Association. The president shall become immediate past president at the end of his/her term. The other officers shall assist the president in performing his/her duties as directed by the president. The president shall be a voting member of the board of directors. The President shall also assist in the advancement of the Association by serving in one or more of the following capacities:


1)     Serves as representative to AACRAO.

All Year

2)     Serves as the public face of the board to the membership.

All Year

3)     Represents the interests of the board, membership on issues with the State government and serves as link between the membership and the broader higher education community on policy issues.

All Year

4)     Oversees the creation of broad professional development programs and delivery of information through workshops, sessions, publications, etc. including timely membership updates using the listserv, newsletter or other communication methods.

All Year

5)     Establishes the agenda and tone of monthly BOD meetings.

All Year

6)     Runs effective monthly BOD meetings.

All Year

7)     Works with the BOD to make sure duties are completed.

All Year

8)     Brings forward any issues/concerns brought forward by the Membership to the BOD.

All Year

9)     Nominates members to fill unexpected vacancies on the BOD and brings forward to the BOD for voting.          

All Year

10)  Prepares and presents annual budget for the Association in collaboration with the Treasurer.

All Year

11)  Approves all check requests and contracts for the Association.

All Year

12)  Hosts the new member session/reception at the annual conference.


13)  Presides over the annual fall business meeting.


Responsibilities – President-Elect (Voting Member) – 1 Year Term  

General Description:

The President-elect shall focus on assisting the President, the Board, and the Association in assessing and planning for the needs, activities, and direction of the Association. The president-elect shall be officially responsible for MACRAO committee membership. The president-elect may also be given special assignments by the president including ex officio membership on the Conference Committee.  The president-elect shall be a voting member of the board of directors. The president-elect shall become president at the end of his/her term. The president-elect shall also assist in the advancement of the Association by serving in one or more of the following capacities: 


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All Year

2)     Represents the President upon request.

All Year

3)     Assists in the creation of broad professional development programs and delivery of information through workshops, sessions, publications, etc.

All Year

4)     Serves as the main liaison with the committee chairs.

All Year

5)     Welcomes new members as they join a committee.

All Year

6)     Acts as liaison with the Conference Planning Committee to ensure proper planning and preparations the annual conference.

All Year

7)     Facilitates the committee meeting/session at the annual conference – if applicable.

All Year

8)     Gives a committee report at the annual conference.

All Year

9)     Ensures all committees have chairs and co-chairs.

All Year

10)  Supports leadership development of committee chairs and co-chairs.

All Year

11)  Ensures there is an adequate number of members on each committee.    

All Year

12)  Welcomes new members as they join a committee.

All Year

13)  Maintains MACRAO’s online committee membership list.   

All Year

14)  Coordinates with the chairs in preparation for their annual reports for the annual conference.

September – Nov.

15)  Prepares the certificate list for committee members and BOD.

September – Nov.

16)  Works with the Conference Planning Committee Chair to facilitates the committee meeting/session at the annual conference – if applicable.

September – Nov.

17)  Starts planning for the following year.

September – Dec.

18)  Works with the President to plan the next year’s Leadership Summit.

September – Dec.

19)  Gives report at the annual conference.


Responsibilities – Past President (Voting Member) – 1 Year Term

General Description:

The past president shall serve as the chair of the nomination committee; plan the annual Leadership Summit for new and returning Chairs and Co-chairs; and perform other special assignments as requested by the president or president-elect. The past president shall be a voting member of the board of directors. The Past President shall also assist in the advancement of the Association by serving in one or more of the following capacities:


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All year

2)     Represents the President upon request.

All year

3)     Represents the interests of the Board and the association on special projects.

All year

4)     Serves as chair of the Nominations Committee which includes:           

  • Solicits nominations from the membership, nominations committee, and BOD
  • Submits nominees to the historian to determine their activities/positions held within MACRAO
  • In collaboration with the Nominations Committee, determines rankings of nominees and submits to the BOD for consideration
  • Serves as liaison between nominees and the Nomination Committee to determine willingness to serve.
  • Obtains biographical information for approved nominees to present to the BOD and association at the annual conference
  • Reports at the annual conference on the nominees

January – August




5)     Updates AACRAO on BOD contact info for new board members.         


6)     Sends any Articles of Incorporation/Bylaw updates to web editor.


7)     Plans Leadership Summit.

Sept. – Nov.

8)     Updates leadership manual with the president-elect for the Leadership Summit.


Responsibilities – Secretary (Voting Member) – 3 Year Term

General Description:

The secretary shall keep minutes of the Annual Meeting and BOD meetings; be responsible for providing notice to each board member as required by law, the articles of incorporation, or these bylaws; be the custodian of the corporate records keep a register of the names and addresses of each member, officer and director; and perform all duties incident to the office and other duties as assigned by the president or the board. The secretary shall be a voting member of the board of directors.


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All year

2)     Sends out the agenda for the monthly BOD meeting.

All year

3)     Sends out the Minutes from each meeting.

All year

4)     Presents at the annual business meeting the minutes from the previous year.


5)     Prepares the Minutes from the annual business meeting.


6)     Prepares all certificates for signature for the Annual Conference (signed by President-Elect and President).     


7)     Prepares Annual Meeting Packets for the BOD/AACRAO Rep.


8)     Prepares Annual Meeting Name Cards for the BOD/AACRAO Rep        .


9)     Prepares “Reserved” table signs for the annual business meeting.


10)  Maintains the Association’s email accounts.

All Year

Responsibilities – Treasurer (Voting Member) – 2 Year Term 

General Description:

The treasurer shall have charge and custody over corporate funds and securities; keep accurate books and records of corporate receipts and disbursements; deposit all moneys and securities received by the Association at such depositories in the Association’s name that may be designated by the board; complete all required corporate filings; and perform all duties incident to the office and other duties assigned by the president or board,  securing the approval of the president on all bills before paying them, presenting financial statements to the members of the Association at the time of the annual meeting. Monitor and process all membership dues payments as necessary. Work collaboratively with the membership coordinator to maintain an accurate membership lists. The treasurer shall be a voting member of the board of directors. 


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All year

2)     Initiates transition of incoming President and Treasurer Elect including securing the minutes for Bank to ensure security access to bank and related software tools.


3)     Works with the bank to set up new signatures.


4)     Files appropriate tax documents/Tax Form 990 (due March 15).


5)     Serves as the main liaison with the bank.

All year

6)     Pays all invoices.

All year

7)     Processes check requests and travel expense reports that have been approved by the president.

All year

8)     Prepares periodic Treasurer’s Report for the BOD.

All year

9)     Prepares and monitors the annual Association budget in collaboration with the President.

All year

10)  Maintains the MACRAO credit card.

All year

11)  Collects the annual dues in coordination with the Membership Coordinator.


12)  Prepares and present annual Treasurer’s Report for the business meeting.


13)  Works with each committee chair in securing proper documentation for reimbursement.    .

All Year

14)  Reviews and prepare Leadership Summit documents as necessary.


15)  Serves as the Association’s mailing address for our Resident Agent.

All Year

Responsibilities – Treasurer-Elect (Non-Voting Member) – 1 Year Term

General Description:

The treasurer-elect shall assist the treasurer as directed. The treasurer-elect shall be elected at the start of the third year of the incumbent Treasurer’s term, serve for one year, and shall then succeed to the position of treasurer for two years. The office of treasurer-elect shall not entitle its holder to a vote on the board of directors. 


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All year

2)     At the direction of the Treasurer, assists in the preparation of the budget, collection of dues, and any other duties as assigned by the Treasurer.

October – Nov. 

3)     Prepares the annual budget for the year where the office becomes official.


4)     Other duties as assigned by the board.

All year

Responsibilities – Events Coordinator (Non-Voting Member) - 3 Year Term that can succeed itself

General Description:

The events coordinator shall work with members and committees to manage registration, attendance, and other logistical support of association events. The office of events coordinator shall not entitle its holder to a vote on the board of directors.


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All year

2)     Manages all events in event management tool.

All year

3)     Assists with content of events in coordination with responsible committees.

All year

4)     Other duties as assigned by the board.

All year

Responsibilities – Membership Coordinator (Non-Voting Member) - 3 Year Term that can succeed itself

General Description:

The membership coordinator shall work with institutional editors to maintain the Association’s directory as directed by the president and be responsible for outreach and active communication with the general membership. The office of membership coordinator shall not entitle its holder to a vote on the board of directors.


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All year

2)     Maintains the MACRAO membership directory.

All year

3)     Works with institutional editors to ensure accuracy.

All year

4)     Manages membership application and annual dues processes.

All year

5)     Manages all events in event management tool.

All year

6)     Prepares voting cards for annual business meeting.


7)     Other duties as assigned by the board.

All year

Responsibilities – Professional Development Coordinator (Non-Voting Member) - 3 Year Term

General Description:

The professional development coordinator shall coordinate and promote professional development opportunities for MACRAO members. The office of professional development coordinator shall not entitle its holder to a vote on the board of directors.


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All year

2)     Maintains the association’s online learning management system platform.

All year

3)     Works directly with MACRAO committees, event planners, and others who are developing courses and other materials intended for delivery on the learning management system.

All year

4)     Other duties as assigned by the board.

All year

Responsibilities – Communications Coordinator (Non-Voting Member) - 3 Year Term that can succeed itself

General Description:

The Communications Coordinator shall serve the communication needs of the Association through electronic newsletters and other media. The office of the Communication Coordinator shall not entitle its holder to a vote on the board of directors. 


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All year

2)     Sends communications to the membership as directed.

All year

3)     Publishes the newsletter monthly.

All year

4)     Serves as editor for correspondence to the Association prior to publication.

All year

5)     Maintains Association Social Media Accounts.

All year

6)     Maintains and distribute the Association electronic templates for letterhead paper, envelopes and MACRAO logos and any other official Association images.

All year

7)     Reviews and edit materials of the Association prior to publication.

All year

8)     Other duties as assigned by the board.

All year

Responsibilities – Web Editor (Non-Voting Member) - 3 Year Term that can succeed itself

General Description:

The web editor shall maintain the Association’s website as directed by the president. The office of the web editor shall not entitle its holder to a vote on the board of directors.


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All year

2)     Maintains and updates the MACRAO website as needed.

All year

3)     Posts documents and new materials to the MACRAO website subject to the review of the BOD.

All year

4)     Creates and maintains applications/tools on the MACRAO website.  

All year

5)     Provides technical support to users of the MACRAO website pertaining to the use of the MACRAO website. 

All year

6)     Maintains the MACRAO listserv.

All year

7)     Other duties as assigned by the board.

All year

Responsibilities – Conference Committee Chair (Non-Voting Member) – 1 Year Term

General Description:

The conference planning committee chair shall serve as the conference planning chair for the annual meeting and shall be the liaison between the Conference Committee, the board of directors, and conference venues. The term of this office is one year. The office of conference planning committee chair shall not entitle its holder to a vote on the board of directors.


1)     Serves as a non-voting member on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends meetings to provide updates on the annual conference.

All Year

2)     Recruits and presents members for the Conference Planning Committee (10 – 12) for BOD approval.

All Year

3)     Leads the Conference Planning Committee, designating tasks as needed to complete the planning of the annual conference, using the  Annual Conference Tasks List as a tool to assist in planning.

All Year

4)     Works with the President-Elect to recruit and present future venues for the annual conference and present to the BOD for approval.

All Year

5)     Works with the President-Elect to develop, monitor, and maintain the annual conference budget.

All Year

6)     Coordinates all activities associated with planning the annual conference and keeps the BOD updated.

All Year

7)     Acts as the liaison with the hotel/conference center location for the annual conference.

All Year

8)     Assists President and Historian in inviting the past honorary members and Past Presidents to conference/reception.

All Year

9)     When necessary, provides required documentation to associated parties related to Association tax-exempt status.

All Year

Responsibilities – Transfer Liaison for Statewide Initiatives (Non-Voting Member) - 3 year term

General Description:

Serves as a representative of MACRAO on all statewide initiatives related to transfer. The TLSI will report to the BOD in conjunction with the College Articulation Chair/Co-Chair on statewide projects. The office of liaison to statewide initiatives shall not entitle its holder to a vote on the board of directors. 


1)     Serves on the MACRAO BOD and regularly attends BOD meetings.

All Year

2)     Works closely with leadership at MASU, MCCA, and MICU to provide MACRAO insight on projects.

All Year

3)     Attends meetings/conferences regarding statewide initiatives as a MACRAO representative.

All Year

4)     Works closely with College Articulation Committee.

All Year

5)     Other duties as assigned by the board.

All Year